4 Signs Your Windows Are Due for Replacement

4 Signs Your Windows Are Due for Replacement

Your windows are expected to last a long time. Yet, there will come a time when they will begin showing signs that mean that you need to replace them, including the following four signs. 1. Windows Are Already Damaged Most people will just repair broken glass or...
Video: Absolute Accountability for Our Products and Services

Video: Absolute Accountability for Our Products and Services

At Renewal by Andersen® of Western New York, we continue to uphold our promise to stand behind both our products and installation process. After all, even the greatest replacement windows and patio doors will still have problems if not installed properly. In the...
Reducing Glare on Windows

Reducing Glare on Windows

Windows can benefit you in many ways, but there are some instances when they can cause you a bit of inconvenience. While the sunlight streaming through these openings can create cozier indoors, an excessive amount of daylight can increase the room’s temperature and...
Terrific Tips to Reduce Window Condensation in Winter

Terrific Tips to Reduce Window Condensation in Winter

Condensation on the interior surface of the window glass happens when moist air meets a cooler surface. It can happen any time of the year, but it’s most common during the coldest months. It doesn’t mean you have bad windows, though. In fact, it means you have...
How to Choose the Perfect Windows for Different Home Styles

How to Choose the Perfect Windows for Different Home Styles

With the role your windows play in your home’s beauty and comfort, it’s important to choose a replacement unit that can satisfy both needs. This is easier said than done, however, because of the variety of options on the market. For example, double hung windows offer...