If you’ve been looking around for replacement windows or new patio doors, your top consideration should be the glass, which comes in single-, double-, even triple-pane varieties. But does more panes mean higher energy efficiency? Single-Pane Glass Traditional...
Open spaces are a home renovation trend that won’t go away any time soon. Sliding doors are a great way to create open spaces in your home. Here are the reasons why sliding doors are the design trend to consider this season. Sliding Doors Eliminate the Need to Build...
Two types of doors are typically found in U.S.: traditional French doors and newer sliding glass doors. Both doors offer different characteristics and benefits to your home. But, today, we will be exploring sliding doors and their potential to give your home greater...
Sliding doors are trending because of their expansive glass and excellent sun-catching ability. However, they’re generally more prone to problems than hinged door systems since they have more moving parts. Faulty rollers, bent tracks, misaligned wheels, broken glass...